"but offering nothing interesting to shoot" -been there, done that. but i learned something from it: i don't have to look for something interesting, all i have to do is shoot. the most banal dead leaf in the grass can be part of an interesting post as long as you want to capture it.

"as long as there's light, there's something to shoot" - now you're talking!

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it’s funny you say that about light. one of the major changes in the last 5 years for my work has been a lack of contrasty sunsets. smoke almost all spring and summer now. it’s really impacted my ability to find light that i love. guess that’s just life now.

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and still you managed to shoot beautiful and interesting photos. so, keep going!

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Some spectacular photographs here and I love the wide open spaces (very apt). I particularly like #3. Was #7 shot with a drone – how did you get the elevation?


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thanks! no im just really tall! yeah that one is with a mavic pro 2.

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So glad to see you out and about. I really like the mood in these: dark, but with that hint of light which represents hope for me here.

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