It’s tricky getting excited about April in Alberta. So much open space with so little happening. Fresh black tilled fields waiting but offering nothing interesting to shoot. Usually, once per april I will catch a nice sunset rain/snow storm that sets the engine going for the year. Not this year.
Still, the light is always present.
I’ve spent many weeks thinking about what I love about making images, about looking at images and I want to continue to drill deeper into what excites my eye and why. Sometimes we make it more complicated than that.
I do, anyways.
"but offering nothing interesting to shoot" -been there, done that. but i learned something from it: i don't have to look for something interesting, all i have to do is shoot. the most banal dead leaf in the grass can be part of an interesting post as long as you want to capture it.
"as long as there's light, there's something to shoot" - now you're talking!
Some spectacular photographs here and I love the wide open spaces (very apt). I particularly like #3. Was #7 shot with a drone – how did you get the elevation?