I share your concerns, but could never have expressed them as eloquently as you have here. Thank you!

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Thanks Paul.

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I totally get what you are saying. I have all these questions and doubts too from time to time. And I really have no good answers. But I am glad you shared your thoughts and your photos with us anyway! I always enjoy your work (writing and photography, and in this case your painting too!). So please keep sharing even if you don‘t see any good reason for it.

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Thanks. I will keep sharing, just hopefully growing closer to what matters to me in the process. Not convinced anyone else can tell the difference haha. ツ

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I think the thing is that social media has obfuscated the silos of creator and business and merged them, thereby also corrupting them. People are no longer just people living their life, and if they have a creative bone like us, seeking what moves us for whatever reason (if at all). The personal is now a brand, and needs to be marketed. And even if we don’t really want to be part of this loop, it’s still addictive and seen as necessary or even just reflexive at this point. Publish or perish, but curate it in just the right way to be validated by anonymous folks in cyberspace.

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but we're perishing either way..

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You perfectly articulated the exact feeling and thoughts I’ve been discussing with my husband for the last two weeks. (He writes: If Not, Paris) I have this collection of images and some pieces of disjointed writing about a rather profound and beautiful trip to Greece with a rag tag group of women from different parts of my life. I want to share, but I also struggle to formulate exactly what to say. The conclusion I came to the other night is I’m unable to properly write about this experience because not enough time has passed for me to properly frame it within the greater context of my life as a young female artist traveling and understanding more and more about the life I am living, because it’s happening live, I cannot yet draw beautiful conclusions about any of it, but as you said - the pull/push to share, to grow, to be consistent seeps in. But no, I won’t share for the sake of creating content. I will do with the images and the story what feels right and brings me that person creation pleasure.

All that to say THANKS for writing this piece so I didn’t have to. And that you’re not alone in your thinking, on the contrary I think many many creators on here feel the exact same way.

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Augusta, I love your name ツ

I'm sure it's a common problem for creators and there's just no guide available but to experience things and try things and learn, and forget and repeat over and over, hopefully somewhere along the way finding a way to share your view, or experiences. I think you're right, for sure, that in the moment of things happening, unless it naturally falls into place it's hard to put context around things and time may help with that. I realized after writing the post that there's also a category of images we maybe share just because we worked so hard to become competent and some part of us is want's to share that competency which is always hard earned. Which, is to say its complex. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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