every photo is cinema

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What a beautiful light. And I think, I like that it‘s all yellow and not a mixture of classic fall reds and oranges. And the bread at the end was a fun surprise! I hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks ツ I'm already feeling more myself. Just a little tired and not mentally sharp. It's funny isn't it--the reds. People often seen alberta falls and are struck by the yellows. Particularly somewhere like larch valley, but having lived here all my life I will, and have, drove 45 mins out of my way for single very small maple tree because the Red is so dramatic. I guess it's what we get used to.

I've come to associate golds and yellows with fall beauty, so my first few trips through the interior of washington state, I was in love. All those dried out grasses, gold everywhere. I saw it as beautiful but locals see it as drought, and as the lack of growth on volcanic plains, etc.

It could well be why the desert looks so appealing to me. lots of golds in sands, but you get the red rocks to go with.

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These pictures feel like a Wallace Stegner story

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Rob, I haven't read any of his stuff. I just ordered angle of repose to see for myself ツ

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That’s the one to get. Hope you like it!

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get well soon!

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thanks. I'm on my way!

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So much gorgeousness. I am here for it all. I hope you feel better soon!

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Thanks Natalie. ;)

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